Scammers using Supersonic firewall to up sell in Microsoft Scam

In the previous Post, I shared the working of a Microsoft Scam and insights into how they actually steal money. If you have read the post I mentioned that these scammers use gift cards to get the money and they try to multiply this amount by sending the customer again and again to the store. Let's discuss how it happens and how they use Dell Supersonic as to pitch high amounts. 
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To recap - you get a pop up telling you that your pc has a virus and you need to call the Microsoft support to resolve it for free. You call the number and the scammers create a trust that they re from Microsoft and they scare you, telling you all the information on this PC is going to be shared on a network if you don't take any action. Actions meaning you need to buy a security and get tech support from them. After all the probing questions and sharing of unwanted knowledge you agree to go out and buy the gift cards as a mode of payment because you are told that your computer is compromised and you can't make any payments on it. So the safest way is to go out and buy a Gift card as Microsoft website has a payment option that is via redeeming a gift card. 

Till now you are completely trapped and you will go out, start your car and move toward the nearest grocery store. The scammer will be on call with you telling you that they are tracing nearby locality to find the hackers who are hacking your computer, Which is complete bullshit. 
Before you enter the store the scammer or agent will give you few instructions like " you don't need to talk to anybody, go straight to the gift card section and get 1 card of $500 and if at the counter they ask you why you are buying these card, tell them this is for gifting purpose, because if you tell them this is for commercial use, they might add up extra taxes on it, and I don't want you to pay any extra taxes to anyone. hahaha so lame right!! This is how exactly it happens. 
Once you get the cards you are told to give the 16 digit number at the backside of the card and to stay in the parking lot only till the billing department at Microsoft does not verify your card. After a few minutes the agent/scammer gets back on the call telling you that your Gift card is not working and he verifies the numbers with you. The tension will rise as you will think that you just paid this guy $500 and he says it is not valid. The tech/Scammer will connect your call with the gift card company toll-free so you can ask yourself what's happening. 

You need to follow the IVR instructions and it will ask you to wait while they connect your call to the representative. Just before the call is answered the Microsoft scammer who is with you on the call since long will disconnect the call and he will connect a new call with his colleague (who will act as the agent from the gift card company) and you will think that you are talking at the gift card company only. 
Now this new agent will greet you and will ask you the issue, after listening to the whole scenario he will ask the last 4 digits of the gift card or the serial number and he will tell you that the server is down from last 30 minutes that's why the cards did not work. But you don't need to worry as they will initiate a refund and you will get that within 5-6 hours. He will also add that if in case there is any business pending with Microsoft he will suggest you complete that and get a new set of cards and this time the cards will work. 

The call gets disconnected and you again connected with the Microsoft agent. You will go and get a new set of cards if everything is smooth and happening. Level 2 of the call has been done that is making the initial sale x 2. $500 gets converted into $1000. 
Now, you will be told that the cards are working and you can go back home as a technician will start working on your computer and it will take 60 min to fix everything. But you need to be connected on the call, so do not hang up. 
While you come back home and you are chilling looking at your computer getting fixed. The technician or the scammer will give your computer a minimal fix like cleaning junk just to show you that something is happening and a screen like this will be left open on your screen.

Extensions like Browsec will be installed to show your changed computer I.P Address and a free antivirus will be uploaded, which actually doesn't work. 
After few minutes the agent will come back on the call and he will say " Sir, while we were fixing your computer we found that your I.P. is getting used to another Country and just now few new connections got connected with your computer. 

Unfortunately we have to fix this issue physically from your location as this needs 2 level of protection that is a Firewall". saying this he will transfer the call to a senior technician who will guide you with the steps. 

"Thank you for staying connected this is Harry Hunt, How are you doing today!" said by the new senior technician. 
he will tell you how the hackers are not stopping attacking you and they need to install a Firewall at your place for 24 hours. These firewalls are used by big corporations to protect them and it protects your I.P. and hacking related issues. But he needs to check if there is any slot left for you. ( This is just to create an urgency and importance of that firewall). A few seconds later the senior agent tells you that there is a slot empty for today at 5PM and if that's slot is ok for you. You l say yes. Few probing questions will be asked if you have any pets or children, because this firewall is not be harmed in any way as this is very very expensive. Now the tech will take you to Google and he will show you what this FIrewall looks like and this firewall is called Dell Supersonic Firewall. 

He will tell you that this firewall is not for sale purposes and only in very few hacking issues this firewall is used to protect Microsoft Own Network. But, there will be some security deposit for this firewall. 2 Agents will come at your place, they will place this firewall in your house connected with your computer and they will come after 24 hours to collect the firewall. Once it is collected in the right condition and immediate refund will be processed back to you and that will reflect withing minutes of recollecting the Dell supersonic firewall. The security deposit for the FIrewall is 10% of the original MRP that is approx $2000 to $5000 usually. You will be given every possible fake documentation and if you have reached this point it means there is a certain level of trust between you and those scammers. This is Scammers use Dell supersonic firewall to initiate this huge amount scam. After you go out and bring more gift cards. You never get a visit from those 2 technicians who were bringing the firewall and your number gets blocked from their side. 
Definitely there are questions asked and these scammers give rebuttals to each question very confidently.

This might sound a very stupid and lame way of scamming someone. But this is the most effective pitch used on every 3rd guy getting scammed. 
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