How does Microsoft scam work - Scammer Script, Making $20,000 per day with gift cards

Microsoft Scam, Scammers

In this blog I will be deep explaining to you about Microsoft Scam tech support company operates, the works flow and how do they make money. The motive behind these scams is very simple, inject a bug, scare the victim, help them fix this, and steal their money. This is my personal Research and its more phycological than technical on How does Microsoft scam work?
Here is the answer. 

What is Microsoft scam or tech support scam?

This is not a new term for many of us around the world and as the technology grows day by day new types of online scams and frauds are taking birth. But, one scam which has ruled the world and cost billions of dollars to the people and to the governments is "Microsoft scam" or "Phishing". I first heard this in 2011 and this industry was booming at that time. Today also it's peaking, just things are not easy as those were before.

How does Microsoft scam work?

When you get a call from someone claiming your computer has a virus and they are from Microsoft or your computer screen gets freeze and a pop up appears telling you your computer is at risk please call this number at Microsoft Security center to resolve this issue for free.

That’s when a person becomes a victim of this scam. Even if you know how this fraud works, then also there are 89% chances that you will be a victim of a computer scam once in your life.

How do these companies operate?

Most of us think that these scams are originated in countries like Columbia, India, Bangladesh and etc. Yes, the majority of scammers are organized in these countries but the seed is sown in the United States only because most of the high-quality calls are generated in the USA itself. Let’s take India as an example, hundreds of thousands of small to big tech support are there and they work the same exactly as an organized company with hundreds of employees, a hierarchy system, HR, Transpiration. The same way a big legal company would operate. Even in a few of the companies,
## there is a training period of 1-month ##

where human phycology and tech stuff is taught. The training includes rebuttals, reading someone mind, creating trust, holding a command, and other important things that help an agent to crack those dollars. The base of these companies starts with Calls generation. Either the companies buy inbound calls, PPC campaigns or they generate their own calls through Blackhat SEO, PPC, Email boosting which could be inbound or outbound. In most of the cases companies buys these inbound calls from vendors and they are mostly from India or the USA. Calls routing from the USA are usually expensive and are of good quality considering someone is generating them in the US only, which are narrowly targeted on Geography, Age, Social security, and yearly income. For a tech support company per call cost them anywhere between $15 to $30 depending on the quality.

The employees/agents working as Microsoft scam sales representatives earn a bit higher than an average person working in day time Job. Thus, tech support is also known as easy money for many. Also, the incentives for each sale are huge. Any agent with good sales skill would earn Rs.1,00,000 per month that is between $1300 to $1500 monthly.

Microsoft Scam

The requirement to join these companies is very basic. One should be good in communication and speaking English which is most of the Indians is very good with English and basic knowledge of computers. Other technical stuff is taught once they join the company like taking remote access, checking default settings, using commands to scare, running different programs, call flow, sales pitch and etc.

How people get into these scams?

Have you ever noticed when you are trying to look for something you get hundreds of ads which keeps popping and sometimes by mistake or intentionally you tend to click on those and nothing happens? Well, this is where the story begins. Malware is injected into your system at that moment and you start getting pop-ups on your right corner of the screen telling you that your Norton is expired or meet local girls in your area. Stuff like that. The call generators use this kind of pop-ups and sometimes freezing pop up like this one. (that’s why good inti virus or securities are important)
Your screen gets freeze and it tells you to call on Microsoft number to get this issue fixed for free.
In the training part of these calling scammers, they are also taught about the mindset and phycology of a human brain and especially Americans. 

Microsoft Scam

See people in America are trained to follow instructions. You see a board that says don’t spit, you won’t. And especially in computers where you know that an average American shares all of his information on a computer. When your screen freezes with a pop up from Microsoft saying that all your information, credit card details, password are at high risk and can be shared on the network. You will follow the instructions and call on the number. If this happens in India. We will turn off the computer and restart it again and clear all the history and data in our browser and we are good to go. I would say making a sale on these calls is not easy and requires a lot of presence of mind. I am not praising this work in any way, just telling you the inside story. Not just the agent is making a sale, there is a team of experienced sales rep and technicians behind him who might be helping that agent step by step. I heard a team of 5 scamming a person and getting $70,000 from her and the call continued for 1 week.

Call Flow and sales pitch - Microsoft Scam

  1. Attending the call with an opening line and creating trust, thank you for calling Microsoft, my name is XYZ, how can I help you. 

Microsoft Scam

Few other probing questions are asked to create trust. If someone asks the agent and has trust issues whether they are talking to the right person. 1. The pop up you got is a computer-generated message and gives you an alert whenever there will be some issues with the machine. 1. This is an MS official helpline number and the call can rout anywhere in the world. 3. Microsoft doesn’t have their own tech support that why the call gets route to official support partners around the world. These rebuttals are given with such confidence and command that anyone would believe them.

  1. Taking remote access

Once trust is maintained, the agent takes remote control of the Customer by repeating a few simple steps to follow. Even if in this process the customer feels uncomfortable there are hundreds of rebuttals to bring the trust on track.

  1. Diagnosing the pc, Developing a trust

Now the agent has the computer access and he will tell you that he won’t be touching any of your personal stuff on the computer and will just create a diagnostic report for you and find the root cause of the problem for you. This is said to gain trust and to show some level of professionalism. Remember, now when he is in your commuter, he can even make your screen blank and do whatever he wants, and all you will see a black screen on your end. He will be using a few commands to make you believe that he is checking something. Press and hold the R on your keyboard > Run box will appear, type CMD and hit enter > type cd.. hit enter > type tree hit enter > this will give u a running screen like in movie matrix. 
Microsoft Scam

Stupid command but very effective in making the first impression. 

  1. Fixing small issues, asking about the daily usage and what important for them

While checking few programmers on pc the agent will remove a few of the junk files by giving commands in run box-like “temp” “%temp%” or “prefetch”. This is where most of the unwanted and temp files are stored. A normal person can go and delete these files once a week. It helps to keep Pc speed and health in place. This is how you do it. Another command is called eventvwr 
Eventvwr for Microsoft Scam

where he will show you a list of errors and warnings and make you believe that your computer has been giving you alert and you never noticed it. Making you feel guilty about your computer condition.
Microsoft Scam

While the agent pretends, he is helping in cleaning the computer. He asks few questions to understand the issue as well as understanding the usage, how many times you do banking, what do you do for a living, what is important on pc for you, it could be pictures, files, or TurboTax. The agent uses all this information to scare the customer at the amount of pitching time. Sometimes they even ask you to open up your internet baking so that they can install internet protection inside your banking. Sounds lame? Well, 90 % of the customer does open the internet banking and the agent does know how much money you have in your account.

  1. Creating a diagnostic report and providing them with a solution which is usually an anti-virus system or tech support. Now a fake report is being generated and given to you which looks like this

Microsoft Scam

You will be told Your I.P. has been hacked, your information like credit card details, SSN is all Vulnerable and will get shared on the network if you don’t take necessary steps. Even if you deny buying the security and tell the agent that you don’t have money or you don’t do any kind of internet banking, they will turn things around to the network issue, not just the computer. A diagram of Firewall is presented in front of you 

Microsoft Scam

They make you understand that even if you take your computer outside to a local store and fix this computer by paying $49 you won’t get a fixed solution. Once you bring the computer back and connect with your internet. You will be connected to the network and again the hackers will have access to your computer. So, we need to fix your network first and your computer after. If even this trick is not enough for you, the agent will install a Chrome extension in you're Google Chrome called Browsec while talking to you and he will turn you’re your I.P. Location as Singapore. The thigs will get on another level now. You will be told that not just your I.P. is hacked or your information is at risk, but someone is actually used your I.P. Address in Singapore.

Microsoft Scam

And if that person does any kind of fraud or illegal stuff using your I.P. address, you will be caught not him. The agent will open up your chrome and will type my I.P. address and the top website that appears he will click on it and your I.P. will be reflected as in Singapore.

Microsoft Scam

SO, A straight 1 solution is provided to the customer with no other options. This sales pitch can vary from $150 to $2000 or even more depending on the Customer. Even if that’s not enough for you

  1. Sale Upgrading

The agent finishes his role and transfers the call to the manager or superior for verification. The superior Greets the customer and confirms the plan or support the customer asked for. Before making a final call he upsells this plan adding few other benefits like insurance, anti-theft insurance, lifetime support which can take a $1000 sale to $3000 sale. At this point the customers want to cover themselves with all the layers of protection they can get and doesn’t care about the money anymore.

  1. Transferring the call to a tech who then takes remote access and start cleaning up the computer and installing a free anti-virus.

This is the last step and few documentations are shared with the customer and that only happens if the customer has paid through credit card, debit card, or e-cheques. If the customer paid by a gift card, the call is still running.
Coming back to the money part. Now you are scared and want to buy the security, you will go out and buy the gift cards. The agent will tell you to stay near the store only from where you bought these cards and he is sending the code for quick verification. After 5 minutes you will be told that these cards are not working or not active and that they see there might be a technical glitch at the gift card company side. Once these cards are scratched, they are non-refundable and the agent doesn’t want your money to be wasted. So, he will tell you that he is connecting the call with the gift card company and you have to speak to them as you are the one who bought the card and to tell the card. He agent dials the call and just after the IVR process is done, he will disconnect the call from his side and connect the call with another colleague sitting just right beside him. Now his colleague will talk to you pretending as a rep from the gift card company. You will be trusting the whole procedure as you heard that the call was made and you went through the IVR process. The second agent now will as you what is the issue, the last 4 digits of the gift cards, and will tell you that there was a tech glitch for 1 hour with the company so the cards will not be working. But you don’t need to worry as you will be getting a complete refund within 3-4 hours and id there is any business remaining using these cards, they would suggest you buy another set and use them this time. And they will work. Most of the cases the Customer buys another set of same cards and gives them to the 1st agent. That how a $500 the sale gets converted into $1000 sale. And the number keeps growing till the time customer feels that he is getting scammed or any other issue occurs. Once these 2 steps are completed and the scammers feels he won't be able to get money out saying the cards are not working, he uses a 3 upgrading that is called Dell Firewall Upgrade. I have written a separate article on it how scammer uses dell firewall to steal thousands of dollars. 
You might be thinking how someone can get into this trap, but an agent closes all the doors for the customer like telling him to shut all other devices or phone, cuz the bug can jump from one device to another and he keeps the customer with him on the line throughout this process. Even if you get a call in between they strictly ask you not to pick that call, as this is a secure line and they don’t connect to be broken, cuz maybe some hacker knows that you have taken some action today regarding your identity and computer and they might try to attack you again. And trust me, people fall into this very easily.

Mode of payments - Microsoft Scam

A few of the technical supports does the mixing of ethical and non-ethical work. Like for example, generating calls that are also called phishing or buying these calls which are nonethical and doing the payment procedure in a very strict ethical way. That happens just to provide the income proofs, from where the money is coming from and to file taxes. Which makes it a bit of clean work in the government's eyes.
So, the first way of doing the payments are through credit cards, debit cards, Bank transfers, e-cheques, and much more. This is an ethical way or payment and the company has to take care of the customer as banks have the refund and chargeback policies. To ensure the company does get a chargeback, the company has a different customer service department for the post-sale service, most of the cases one can claim for a chargeback withing 21 days and for few banks its 6 months also. And for most of the ethical way of payments these companies don’t even work as Microsoft, they will tell you that they are a 3rd party company which works o Microsoft computers. Now this happens because the calls are recorded and if anyone claims for a refund or chargeback, the company does want to show that they are working as impersonating a Microsoft. In the local language, these kinds of centers are called genuine supports, but they are buying these calling so nothing is genuine about it.
Another way of payment is 100 % illegal and effective - GIFT CARDS 

Gift cards, scammers

I am saying effective because most of the companies prefer the second way or payments which is through Gift Cards, Bitcoin, and fake western union transfers and this mode of payment is 100% non-traceable. Once the company gets the payment, they leave the customer hanging. Meaning not even the computer is fixed or cleaned. It depends on the agent if he has some curtesy and cleans the computer for the customer.

Why gift cards are preferred mode of payment for scammers. 

No one can trace where the cards are going. All one needs is the 16-digit code at the backside of these cards. The customer is asked to go out and buy certain cards for the asked denomination and provide the code at the backside. If a customer asks why they need to buy the cards, the most common rebuttal is – Sir, your computer has been compromised and we can’t let you share your personal information like credit card number on this computer or on your network so the best way to do the payment in such cases is through a Microsoft gift card or Microsoft Partnered cards also known as Google Play cards or Walmart card. Wondering that Microsoft and Google and Walmart are different companies, right? That what these agents are taught. How to play with words while scaring the shit out of the victim. There is a full-proof technique where you can see how an agent plays with his techniques and convivence the customer to go out and buy the Gift Cards.
The agents take the customer to Microsoft official website and make him log in into his account. Now he takes him to payment and billing and shows him various ways of payments.

Microsoft Scam

Agent tells the customer that for these kinds of malicious activities and identity theft issues we have provided a more secure way of payment that is via redeeming a gift card. So, the customer doesn’t need to worry about anything and the money goes directly to Microsoft only. This is an effective way of making trust.
Once the company gets the code, they redeem it at sites like Pax full or there is a dedicated vendor who does money laundering for these companies via Hawala procedure. Whatever the scale is made by the end of the day, the company gets the payout the next day in cash.
Since we are talking about the money part, let me tell you that on an average a 15-seater company generates approx. $10,000 to $20,000 per day tax-free and without any money trace. Sometimes the number gets higher.
As the time changes so does the sales pitch and now since 2020 the game has totally changed. There are even a few scammers making $50,000 to $1,00,000 per day

Final words?

It is not right to scam someone and to steal the money one earns through hard work. Even if campaigns are running out in the USA creating awareness on gift card scams. These agents always have a way to get the customer to go out and buy these cards. The customer is afraid and vulnerable and a person in shock or fear will do anything to protect himself or his family.
Every person using a computer should be having securities for themselves. This might add up some extra bucks to your yearly expenses. But they are worth spending rather than losing all that you have in just a matter of the call. This software doesn't let any unwanted program be installed on the computer or won't allow any junk or malware, adware to enter the computer. And I am here not just talking about the money but other thousands of information one does share like personal credentials, credit card numbers, emails, login passwords, pictures, videos and much other stuff that can be used against you and on the internet. Securities like Mac Afee, Norton, Kaspersky’s are easy to purchase online and have full technical support for any of your assistance.
You get emails about the services and products, but then also keep your eyes open and check from where these emails are coming from. Few might be from the scammers
If you want to ask anything or share your story. Write to me at
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